Funds' activity is rising on H1 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010 11:03

description de l'illustration

According to the AFIC (Capital Investment French Association) and Grant Thornton's figures, the investments in capital investment increased again on H1 2010. They improved by 66 % at 2,9 Md€. The situation is however contrasted : venture capital decreased by 21 % whereas capital development increased by 16 % and capital transmission by 280 %. Disinvestments increased by 23 %

The number of companies involved in raising funds increased by 5 % with a 2 % drop for venture capital, a 13 % progress for capital development and a decline of 2 % for capital transmission. It shows that the average amount of the deals progressed.

85 % of the companies which raised funds count less than 250 employees and 80 % less than 100 employees, which brings to light that companies strengthening their stockholders' equities are essentially small and midsize companies.

Almost 40% of the amounts raised come from "FIP" and "FCPI" which both benefit from some French tax shelters. A change in the tax law could have a significant impact on this figure.

You can have more details (unfortunately in French!) on that study if you go to :


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